The numberless gifts of God's mercies my tongue cannot fathom or tell. Like dew that appears in the morning, they come to us shining and full. The numberless gifts of God's mercies my tongue cannot fathom or tell.
Like all of the stars in the heavens, God's mercies can never be told. They shine through the darkness of midnight; their beauties can never grow old. Like all of the stars in the heavens, God's mercies can never be told.
I'll never count all of God's mercies, but oh, I can give God my praise for all of that love, my thanksgiving and love to the end of my days. I'll never count all of God's mercies, but oh, I can give God my praise!
Authors: Carolina Sandell Berg; tr. Gracia Grindal Tune Name: JAG KAN ICKE RÄKNA DEM ALLA
This month for our offering song we are learning the hymn “The Numberless Gifts of God’s Mercies”. It is a pretty song with a gentle Scandinavian tune. It speaks of God’s mercies showered upon us. It tells us that there are so many mercies we cannot find the words required to express our thanks. In a world and in a time where counting things is a great priority, isn’t it nice to know that some things can’t be?
Numbers abound in our lives. Kids are scored in school, football yards are counted, volleyball points add up. Many of you are counting hours of work and vacation and then counting the hours of your weekend before heading back to work. Others of you are counting yields, acres of combining and chiseling done or yet to be done, you are watching markets and wondering about what happens next. Still others are counting moments with loved ones asking for peace in their final journey yet wanting more precious time. The numbers surround us and they don’t always fill us with grace.
There is an old song that many of you know called “Count Your Blessings”. I have had folks from time to time encourage me to sit down and do just that. It begins as a fun activity but it gets hard really fast. Do I have ten blessings? Fifteen? Beyond the initial things we are thankful for, food, family, friends, and the like, it is hard work to define all the ways that God has blessed us. Sometimes the numbers are challenging to process.
The hymn that we are learning on Sundays speaks of God’s numberless mercies. It recalls a time when God spoke to Abraham on a hillside long ago and asked him to count the stars. If you have ever tried it, you know how difficult it is. There are some things that simply cannot be quantified. If we are honest about God’s work in our lives, we know that his mercy for us truly cannot be counted. Sometimes his mercies are staring at us and we know immediately how God is blessing us. But God’s work is often mysterious. God’s work challenges us. God’s work in our lives and in the world around us is like trying to count the stars on a clear crisp fall night. We try but we know it is impossible.
As we go through these days God is giving us, may God’s numberless mercies remind you that long ago God promised to be your God. May you know the deep and abiding love of a savior who gave everything so that you may have life and have it abundantly.