The first witnesses to the resurrection had no idea how far the Gospel would spread from one generation to the next. How could they know that it would extend from that empty tomb outside of Jerusalem over oceans and continents to a little place like Goodridge, Minnesota? When they first told the story of Jesus’ saving grace it was to a people who spoke it to their children and their children’s children who in turn raised us in the faith.
This month, we are invited to pause and remember the gifts of those first witnesses and those who taught us to sing and say our prayers. Fifty years ago, Goodridge Lutheran Church and First Lutheran Church merged to become Faith Lutheran Church. In turn this merger led to a more formal agreement between the current members of the Goodridge Lutheran Parish.
Sunday, July 28, the congregations of the parish will gather for worship and prayer to celebrate Fifty Years of Faith. There will be a program, a meal catered for you, there will be games for the children. The day will serve as our kick off to Vacation Bible School and the children of the parish will be invited to share songs of praise. Margie Iverson and Anne Manderud will lead our music. Rev. Arlen Hermodson, Bishop Emeritus of the Northwestern Minnesota Synod will preach. Youth will provide special music prior to the service. Those interested in singing in a choir will have an opportunity to do so. It will be a good day to remember the good gifts of God in this place. We will lift up our common work and witness and ask God’s continued blessing and guidance.
In faith, the people of God set out to tell the story. In faith Goodridge Lutheran and First Lutheran gathered their resources and asked God to bless a new venture. In faith we are called to step into the future that God is making. Help us celebrate Fifty Years of Faith!