There is one body, but it has many parts. But all its many parts make up one body. It is the same with Christ.
1 Corinthians 12: 12
My children and I recently attended a mini-week at Camp Emmaus, the camp we support through Pathways. During a worship service we were given a blank puzzle piece and asked to color it. We were encouraged to think about the gifts that God has given to us and the ways were are uniquely made. The worship leader reminded us that while we are one, we are also a part of the body of Christ and a much bigger, grander plan.
Completing our puzzle pieces, the worship leader gathered them and began to put them together. As she did so, we began to see how our differences complimented each other. We saw how our pieces fit together to highlight a fundamental truth about who we are and what God says about us: “I praise you for I am fearfully and wonderfully made!” (Psalm 139:14). The Body of Christ is beautifully diverse but called into one by Christ through his love and mercy.
During this exercise I found myself thinking about the ministry in the Goodridge Parish. There are many pieces that come together to support the mission we share as God’s people. The work we are called to do can be overwhelming. Imagine if you alone were tasked with every facet of the work of this parish and Bethany, Ekelund, and Faith. Your job would include preparing worship, providing music to accompany the service, Baptizing, Communing, presiding over funerals and weddings, cooking coffee, and baking treats. You would need to have a good communication system to let your neighbors know what is going on. You would also have to make sure the electric and water bills are paid, that pests are kept at bay, you would likely need to mow lawn in the summer and shovel snow in the winter and so much more. Thanks be to God, none of us do this work alone! The Body of Christ shares these tasks and so many more.
The gifts that God has blessed us with are meant to compliment each other. None of us are designed or destined to do it all. Some of you are teachers, others mechanics. Some of you grow food for neighbors who like to eat. Some of you dream dreams and others like to get down to work. We share in the work needed in this place.
I am grateful for the ways you share your gifts and talents. Thank you for your faithfulness in the care and support of this community and the world. Together the gifts that God has given us individually merge to form a wondrous tapestry of blessing. We are many parts of the one body of Christ. May God grant that we might continue our work and witness to let our lights shine!