I was 17 years old the first time I was asked to lead worship in Goodridge. I remember what it was like for me to stand before you and lead you through the service. I am thankful there is no video. I am sure I spoke in a whisper and stuttered and stammered through the liturgy. Some things are perhaps best forgotten. What I treasure from that first time, is your encouragement. In the many years since then you have continued to support and call me to leadership in Christ’s Church.
Sixteen years ago on April 3, 2005 I stood before you at Faith Lutheran Church and was Ordained as Minister of Word and Sacrament in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Surrounded by colleagues, family and friends I knelt before you and you prayed:
Eternal God, through your Son, Jesus Christ, pour out your Holy Spirit upon Kristin Emma Ostercamp and fill her with the gifts of grace. Bless her proclamation of your Word and administration of your Sacraments, O Lord, so that your Church may be gathered for praise and strengthened for service. Make her a faithful pastor, patient teacher, wise counselor. Grant that in all things she may serve without reproach, that your people may be renewed and your name be glorified in the Church; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever. Amen
I remain humbled by your good wishes as you sent me out into the world to preach and teach. I value the trust you placed in me as we continue to work together in this place. I hope that I am able to be for you what you prayed over me on that beautiful spring day.
We all know this last year has been challenging. We have had highs and lows and continue to move into an uncertain future. I have experienced moments I never thought I would. At my Ordination you prayed that I would be a faithful pastor. I ponder what that means as we move forward into the future.
The ministry in the Goodridge Parish has changed. I don’t see us returning to what we imagine is “normal”. We will have a new normal. It may have a few characteristics of the old but it won’t be the same. We have taken up the work of producing a worship service that can be viewed on our local television station and over the internet. We have made adjustments to our in person gatherings which are shorter than a regular service. My connections with you have been through the mail, on the telephone, and by utilizing message applications on my cell phone. We have had to and will continue to navigate changes in every facet of our work and witness.
When you called me to serve as Pastor, my call was 80% of full time. Because of my daughter’s health four years ago, we negotiated flexibility on week days with a full time preaching schedule. Over the course of this pandemic and before I have been serving in a full time capacity. Your Parish Board and I are working toward faithful and healthy expectations for pastoral service.
Acknowledging that so much has changed, we ask, “What is the next faithful thing?” I have begun the work of reorganizing pastoral priorities and responsibilities. Together we need to discern what lay leaders can take up. Your Parish Council and I will work during the next months to reimagine our work and witness. Please remember your congregational leaders in your prayers and consider how you might be called to serve. I ask for your continued prayers for faithful service.