“Will you continue in the covenant God made with you in Baptism?”
Question to the Confirmand, “Affirmation of Baptism” LBW, pg. 201
Promise making and keeping seems to be harder to do during this season. There are so many ways we can reason our way out of keeping our promises. I am always careful when I make promises to my children. I think, is this something that I can keep? I don’t say, “I promise you can play with your friends tomorrow.” Or “I promise we will go on a trip on such and such a date.” There are just too many unknowns. When I can’t keep my promise, the kids are disappointed. They say, “Mom, you lied to us!” A promise is an all or nothing prospect. We either keep our promises or we don’t.
When children are Baptized, the congregation, parents, and sponsors make promises about the way God’s children are raised in faith. We promise to bring them to the services of God’s house, teach them the Lord’s Prayer, the Creed, and the Ten Commandments. It is a joy to see grandparents and neighbors surround parents and children in the pews of the congregations in this place. I see the greatest portion of our witness to the faithfulness of God is the work we do in teaching our children to say their prayers and worship the Lord. We make these promises in faith asking God to help and guide us. We also embrace the job we are called to do.
It is not easy to keep the promises we have made. Parents and families are tired. They are busy and being pulled in a hundred different directions. Some families are dividing their time between households. Covid-19 has brought to light many challenges that were already present in our work and witness. The rhythms of life in 2021 are uncharted. We cannot assume or expect every family to be in church every Sunday. For many years we have been trying to use old ways to teach each successive generation. Is it fruitful? Is it faithful? How do we keep our promises in light of so many changes?
I believe we need to begin with what we can do. We can welcome and celebrate every time we gather together. We can continue to invite and encourage one another whether we are inside or outside our buildings. We can remind children that we are a community saying, “I remember when you were Baptized.” We can provide space and resources for families to pray and study at home and while they are on the road. We can take up the mantle of prayer and continually lift up our neighbors in the name of Jesus Christ. We remember we are the body of Christ and we don’t cut one another off or discard one another. We are one in Christ!
September 12 we will celebrate the keeping of our promises as we place the Scriptures in the hands of those in Third Grade. They will receive a Bible with picture and maps. They will be encouraged to read and study God’s Word, learning who God says they are. We will also place a Bible in the hands of our ninth graders. They have been taught the Lord’s Prayer, the Creed, and the Ten Commandments. The Bible they receive is one, we hope, they will carry with them through High School and into adulthood. In its pages are truths they will need as they learn what it means to live among God’s people.
I pray for you and our life together. How are we called to continue in the covenant God made with us? How are we called to share the great gift of faith and the life God is creating for us? Not one of us has the answer but together in Christ was strive forward trusting in God’s leading and guiding. Thanks be to God!
Pastor Kristin